Simple Recipes Create Harmony in the Office

Office is a place of mixing all kinds of people, with all kinds of personalities, oddities, goals and challenges, so for every person to make a challenge.

Moreover, in building a career, “clash of personalities”, can damage the environment working

But You can prevent it from happening, with seven ways to create harmony in the office. These 7 things that You can apply.

1. Say thanks

Two little words, this may be the most powerful in creating happiness and harmony. People work hard and be proud of their achievements, but can also feel ignored.Take time to acknowledge even the smallest achievement can make a person feel appreciated.

Thank you not only for the great work they have done. Say thank you when they open the door, offer to bring opi, or to invite to lunch. Offer a thank you sincere every day.

2. Notice the little things

If your colleagues or employees are happy with their work, they will try hard to add little extra on its commitment. They may take on additional tasks to help the project unfinished.

The more You pay attention and thank you for the “additional” smaller this is, the more will build happiness and harmony in the office, and Your coworkers are more motivated will continue to look for ways to improve the business.

3. Avoid Gossiping

Gossip can ruin the harmony of the office. This may seem entertaining at the moment, but it builds distrust.When pique woke up, people began to wonder if they are so material that works, this will open the abyss of disharmony.

Set the “policy without gossip” , expand the policy of no-gossip You to events outside the office as well, such as the hours of rest, a corporate event or holiday party. Try to avoid gossip in the office.

4. Maintain mutual open

Build an open environment for discussion by creating a system of “come to me anytime”. Being open to suggestions, complaints, or discussion without judgment.

Because people come from backgrounds and experiences are different, each person has their own way of looking at things.

By listening, You can understand what other people see from their point of view, not from Your point of view.

When people feel open to talk, You can address problems early before they escalate into a real obstacle, or dig a great chance that You might not realize before.

5. Create a work environment as a team

Held regular meetings with the whole office, and give the authority colleagues to take “ownership” in business.

If they feel their opinions and insights have value, they will be more likely to use their talent and creativity.To help build the business as a whole.

They will work together to find ways to improve the company.

6. Offer to help

Direct and be yourself. Whenever You’re stuck, too much work or faced with a deadline, You know how to appreciate a helping hand.

Might need a bit of extra effort, but to help Your teammates in overcoming the problem or work, it can help You in some ways the same.

7. Socializing outside of work

Build a friendship and harmony in the outside work with a relaxed event. Plan get-togethers monthly, such as make a picnic barbeque annual, or start a friendly competition with race sport such as soccer, volleyball, and more.

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